piątek, 19 września 2014

How to upgrade to Jessie?

After having some problems, I decided that the easiest solution would be reinstalling my OS. Since I have separate /home partition, this only meant that I'd have to install few programs back, so it wasn't much of a pain(turned out many useful things like emacs extensions etc. were saved on /home too, so I almost didn't notice reinstallation).

So, here is the tutorial for upgrading fresh installation of Crunchbang Waldorf from Wheezy to Jessie. If you do this on not fresh installation, remember that some things may go wrong. I strongly advise separate /home.
PS. The same works for Sid, you just have to replace corresponding Jessie things with Sid things.

1. Install Crunchbang.

Reason: well, pretty obvious.
Solution: Install Crunchbang.

2. Update and upgrade

Reason: if you don't do this, you'll meet some dependency problems later on.
Solution: Run 
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

3. Remove some packages

Reason: Jessie comes with Gnome, and you're using Openbox. If you don't remove these packages, you'll have two DE that will collide. Long story short - if you don't do this, you'll face problems.
Solution: the packages that will be problem is girl1.2-gnomebluetooth-1.0 and gnome-bluetooth, both easy to find with autocompletion(tab). Remove them, and (optionally) install replacement: libsmbclient.
sudo apt-get remove gir1.2-gnomebluetooth-1.0 gnome-bluetooth tint2conf && sudo apt-get install libsmbclient

4. Change sources.list and preferences

Reason: You need sources.list pointing to Jessie in order to get Jessie's packages, and same goes with preferences.
Solution: First edit sources.list:
sudo geany /etc/apt/sources.list
There, you need to either comment out or remove everything that's inside, and replace it with sources.list genrated from here: http://debgen.simplylinux.ch/. If you don't know what to choose, select your country, 32- or 64-bit version, depending on what you installed(if you're unsure, run installation disc - when you're prompted to choose between Installation, Live Session and memtest, you'll see if you have 32 or 64-bit version), and then main, contrib, non-free and security. You can also get sources if you want.
Save file, and now edit preferences:
sudo geany /etc/apt/preferences
You only want to leave only three lines:
 Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 500
Save, exit. We're getting there :)

5. Upgrade to Jessie

Reason: If you've done everything so far, you should be good to go. You just need to download Jessie packages, and you'll be in Testing land.
Solution: Just run:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
After that, reboot. You should see a little bit of changes, but now you're on Jessie! 

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